Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hello all.

I will again be updating this website once I begin the next school year, but for the rest of the summer, I'm only going to be posting to my OTHER website:

There, you can read about some of the excitement in my personal life. :-D

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Chad and Jessica said...

Hi Valerie!

Thanks for your comment on my blog! You're so awesome. I love to write on my blog, especially when I'm in my happiest of moods, because it's uplifting in the moment, and later when I read them. They help ignite my inner-spark. I never really expect peeps to read them because they are so long, but I'm glad you do. : ) I would love to have a more "real" blog, but the whole pic thing is kinda time consuming. We'll see...I've pondered the idea for a LONG time.

Good luck with teaching!!!!