Monday, June 23, 2008


Welcome! I am a graduate student at Pacific University in Oregon, and am in the process of completing my master's degree in Special Education. Over the course of the last year, I have had the amazing opportunity to teach Life Skills to a fantastic group of middle schoolers. The experience taught me more than I could ever have imagined, and as I look back on the past year, I realize that there are many things that I need to do differently when I teach Life Skills again.

As part of a class I am taking for my master's degree, I will be writing about various aspects of my teaching in this last year, and offering needs analysis based on my teaching experiences. Each blog entry will cover a different topic, and will give me an opportunity to analyze important aspects of my teaching, and to come up with strategies to make my classroom a better place for my students. If you have any suggestions, please comment!! I welcome any advice/personal experience/or insights you might have. :-)

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

Hi Valerie

Thank you for leaving your kind message on our blog. Glad you found us. Did you check out the other blogs that we are linked to - with other families who have kids with RTS...they are based in the US and may offer more insight in terms of your educational system. I am still trying to figure out our special needs education works her in South Africa. I wish you all the best in your journey as a special education teacher. I think it is excellent that you are reflecting on your practice. That guarantees growth and increased sensitivity to kids real needs.

Bless you in your journey
